
Check up and clean

Oral Hygiene is a crucial part of maintaining long lasting healthy teeth. Appointment will include examination of each individual tooth, Xray examination every 2years to detect emerging decays, cleaning and fluoride

Composite fillings

A composite tooth coloured filling is used to repair the small decay and chips. Composite fillings are not permanent and may have to be replaced after 5 to 7 years of service. Nevertheless, they are very durable and give you a long lasting,
beautiful smile.

Crown & Bridges

A crown or a cap is restored on top of the compromised tooth in order to protect from further damages. Crown is fabricated by master dental technicians at dental laboratory and appears like immaculate natural teeth.

Root Canal Therapy

A root canal therapy is performed when the nerve tissue of the tooth is damaged or infected. Nerve (pulp) of the tooth is very sensitive and once infected, unlike the other part of the human body, it does not repair by itself.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

If there is not enough room in your mouth for wisdom teeth to fully erupt, a number of problems could happen.

Dental Implant

Dental Dental Implant can replace single tooth or multiple teeth or all upper and lower set of the teeth. Implants are a popular, effective and very successful long-term solution for a missing tooth and certainly has become new standard.


Yellowing and discoloration of the teeth is caused by staining from tea, coffee, wine as well as aging. In order to lighten up your shade of the tooth, we offer whitening kit which you can apply on your teeth at your comfort zone of your home.

Porcelain veneers

Permanent solutions for dramatically improving entire smile is with porcelain veneers. Porcelain laminate veneer can correct many cosmetic discrepancies such as discolorations, crowding, rotations, chipped and cracked teeth.


Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment where a custom made series of clear aligners will gradually shift your teeth into place. Every week or two, a new set of aligners is popped in, till treatment is

Children’s Dental

Childrens’ teeth are so tiny and the enamel is prone to tooth decay. It is best to get children into good oral hygiene very early.


Conventional denture which replaces missing teeth can be partial or complete dentures. We can construct from one single tooth dentures to full arch upper and lower dentures.

TMJ Splint and Sports mouth guard

If you wake up with stiff jaws and experiencing sensitivity to cold drinks, chances are that you may
be clenching and grinding the teeth at night while you are asleep.